Friday, August 1, 2008

Dreamtowns and My Vaca....

Greetings from Downtown Claremont....

I'm in the Village this am and trying to catchup on my business....even though I'm on vacation, technically. I know, it's just like me to be working on vacation. I have to be away and unfortunately, or fortunately, it's not in the cards for me right now.

Anyway, here's a link (Thank You Bill) to a Dreamtowns Article:

Also, am updating my youtube channel:

You can see some of the things that I've been doing Alexis Stapp's 16th Birthday Party...what fun that was. Thank You to the powers that be for bringing the Stapp's into my life. They are truly a blessing to me.

Here's a pic from the evening...Hope you enjoy your First August Weekend.



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